Repair Center

Your device seems defect? This is the right place.
However, before you file a request for repair, please make sure you have checked the support pages or contacted our technical support agents by Email or Phone regarding your problem. Often issues can be fixed very quickly without having to send in the device.

When you request a repair and the warranty period of your device has expired or the cause of the defect of your device is not covered by the warranty, we will provide you with a price quote for the repair costs, which you can accept or decline.

Technical Support

You can reach our Technical Support Agents by Email: (German and English)
You can reach our Technical Support Agents by Phone:
+49 - (0)30 - 1208 2035 (German and English)

Support Hours:
Monday - Friday
09:00 – 17:00
(9 am - 5 pm CET)

If contacting our technical support did not resolve your problem,
you can create a Repair Request here: